Representative Network
Representative Network
Find out more about Aspro in this video that summarizes the differential advantages of the company that show that Aspro is a leader in CNG compressors manufacturing.
Statement of business conduct
As a company and as individuals we push ourselves to develop and maintain an ethical business culture. To lead by example is the base for our success: not just talking but doing. We value integrity, transparency, honesty, constructive self-criticism, continuous improvement, and respect, which we acknowledge as essential for our company’s development and success.
We take on great challenges and we are proud to achieve them. For that reason, we promote active participation of our stakeholders to make it happen.
Our management encourages ethical conduct within their teams. Our people work in line with this commitment, relying on it as the base for their decision making. We firmly believe this is the only way to run a business in a successful and sustainable manner.
Integrated Policy of Delta Compresion SRL
We aim to be a profitable, efficient and sustainable company, with a firm commitment to our customers, suppliers, partners and communities in which we operate, promoting care for the environment.
We strive to develop and maintain a business culture based on ethics.
Leading by example is the foundation of our success. The values that define us as an organization are the strategic foundation of our business.
We are firmly committed to:
- Guarantee the quality of our products and services as a priority and strategic goal, exceeding the needs and expectations of our customers.
- Guarantee safe working conditions through the implementation of best practices and industry standards.
- Maintain a healthy and respectful work environment for our staff and the community where we carry out our activities.
- Generate a positive impact on the environment.
- Support and encourage the continuous improvement of our processes, through constant development of our staff’s skills and competencies.
- Consolidate a functional organization based on responsibility and self-control, in which each person is responsible for carrying out their work safely, guaranteeing quality and care for the environment, with focus in the three dimensions of our business: economic, social and environmental.
We undertake to ensure, comply with and spread this policy, and also:
• To promote an integrated management of quality, safety, occupational health and environment.
• Formar os nossos quadros, garantindo o nível de formação e meios técnicos necessários ao desenvolvimento eficaz das nossas atividades.
• To develop, plan and execute our activities with high safety standards, protecting people's health, the integrity of the company's assets, preventing contamination and using electricity, natural gas and natural resources rationally.
• To use the controls that we have built, as the main tool to achieve and fulfill our goals.
• To generate active participation of our staff and stakeholders.
• To promote and transmit to suppliers and contractors our fundamental principles of transparency, quality, safety, occupational health and environment.
• To promote integration and development of the communities where we operate, considering that progress must be sustainable in its three dimensions: economic, environmental and social, through a responsible and transparent business.
• To satisfy the requirements and continuously improve the effectiveness of the Integrated Management System, to comply with the directives, technical standards and national and international regulations applicable to products in the destination markets and to comply with every aspect related to Environmental care and Health and Safety at work.
This Policy provides a frame of reference to establish and review the goals of the Organization, which we will always keep documented, updated and available to our collaborators.
To be a leading company in the world market for natural gas and Oil & Gas compression systems. We achieve this by conveying trust and assurance to our customers through the quality of our products and services, and by contributing to the well-being, sense of belonging and pride of our collaborators.
To conquer and be a leader in the world market of gas compression systems and well head compressors for Oil & Gas operations, while maintaining leadership in natural gas market, and be recognized as a company that contributes to the best use of global energy potential and the obtention of affordable and environmentally friendly energy, through innovative solutions.
- Commitment: we are committed to satisfying the needs of our clients, by always providing quick and valuable answers.
- Passion: we work for what we are truly passionate about and motivates us, persevering to obtain the common objectives and goals.
- Responsibility: • fulfill the acquired commitments building trust and ease for performing our job correctly.
- Constant Improvement: we are continuously challenging ourselves to improve so as to achieve excellence and anticipate the changes that the environment demands.
- We value our people: our true source of energy. Teamwork and integration are the essence of our growth.
- Sustainability: we manage our operations committed to a sustainable vision, simultaneously striving for economic growth and social and environmental value.
Company History

ASPRO brand is created

First ASPRO Compressor

First gas station using an ASPRO Compressor

First sale to Brazil

ASPRO present in 20 countries

Oil & Gas Development

5.000th Compressor
2020 >

Industry 4.0
of Quality
Our commitment to quality determines each of our actions when manufacturing equipment or offering a service. For this reason, our plants, our production processes, and our products are continuously tested by third party surveyors to guarantee their total quality worldwide.